Foreign Currency & Exchange Rates


When travelling abroad it is recommended to learn about the currency used in the destination.

It is recommended to exchange some cash (if available & possible) to the foreign currency prior to your holiday, as you may not be able to do this upon arrival and it might be costlier to do it at the destination. However, you should keep in mind that in most countries major debit & credit cards are accepted and therefore changing too much cash is risky as you may lose on the conversion should you need to change the foreign currency back to Great British Pounds. It is recommended that you find out about debit & credit card acceptance at your destination prior to your holiday and change cash to foreign currency accordingly.

We are also happy to provide some information on foreign currencies and bank card acceptance depending on your selected holiday destination, we are however, unable to offer you foreign exchange services.

The exchange rates used at the time of the creation of our travel products GBP/EUR €1.20. (updated: March 2022)